Increase Your ROI With Playful Airbnb Design

What if I told you that investing in good design for your short term rental could pay off in more bookings, higher rates, and glowing reviews?

Many Airbnb owners underestimate the power of design. A well-designed space not only attracts more guests but also allows you to increase your rental rates, leading to a better return on investment (ROI).

Let’s explore how thoughtful, bold design can directly impact your Airbnb’s financial success.

Airbnb Interior Design

First Impressions Lead to More Bookings

The Power of Visual Appeal

Guests often make booking decisions based on photos alone. A well-designed space that stands out on the first scroll has a higher chance of being booked. Why is this? It’s an escape. It’s an experience. It allows the Airbnb to become THE destination.

We have to remember that people use short term rentals as PART of their vacation. It is not just a vessel to hold them as they visit the sites. If they wanted that, they would just go to the local cheap hotel. Instead, they are looking for a place to spend time in, create memories with their loved ones, and escape from their busy life at home.

With well thought-out design, bold interiors attract more guests while also encouraging them to stay longer, thus creating more booked nights for you.

How Design Influences Perception

Think of some of your favorite restaurants. Why are they your favorite? Is it because of the surrounding area or is it because of the experience that that specific restaurant provides? You don’t generally visit a restaurant solely for its location. If it were for the location, you’d likely be just running through the nearest drive-thru. For an evening out, you generally are willing to make a reservation, spend more money, and stay for dessert. This is usually because of a good atmosphere, quality customer service, amazing food and drink, comfortable seating, intimate lighting, etc.

These same principles can be utilized in your short term rental. You don’t want to be the McDonald’s of Airbnbs. And you may not want to be the Michelin star restaurant, but I can guarantee that you’d like to be the cool swanky cafe on the corner of Main street. When good design is implemented, guests will perceive your space as higher quality, a unique experience that you won’t be able to find elsewhere.

Well-designed short term rentals appear more organized, well thought-out, and intentional which is a direct reflection on you as the owner or property manager. This means guests will expect a higher quality customer experience and will not hesitate during the booking process.

Built-in Social Media Marketing

You are a busy Airbnb owner or manager and do not need to be spending all of your time on social media. Why not create a space that does some of this work for you?

Bold, colorful walls and design ask for guests to take selfies in front of them. Make sure to make your short term rental’s Instagram account known so they can tag you and you get free content!

Increased Rates Through High-Quality Design

More Value, Higher Prices

When your Airbnb looks high-end, you can justify charging more. Guests are often willing to pay a premium for a well-curated stylish space. Not to mention, when you are getting more bookings and more reviews, your perceived value increases. With these backing up your listing, guests won’t question your increased rates.

Creating a “Wow Factor”

Bold design choices – like a striking accent wall, vintage pieces, or custom art–create a “wow” moment guests are willing to pay for. When your short term rental is like walking into a curated artistic private boutique hotel, guests will invest in the experience knowing the Airbnb will be the first destination on their list.

Invest in bold wallpapers, sculptural furniture, experiential amenities to prove your property’s worth. When you invest in the bold, you can watch the higher rates unfold.

Design Improves Guest Experience and Reviews

Guest Comfort Equals Better Reviews

A beautifully designed and functional space enhances the guest experience, leading to positive reviews and repeat bookings. One of the things we highly recommend is to walk in your guests’ shoes. Think of the things they will need or want before they ask you about them. Make things easy to find, create simple check in and check out processes, think of the throw blankets they’ll want when watching a movie, or the coffee experience they’ll need in the morning.

There is nothing more frustrating than having a broken toaster, not being able to plug your phone in next to your bed, or not knowing how to work the window shades as a guest. Every time a guest has a frustration, consider that one star off of your review.

When guests are well-taken care of without even asking, their reviews will pop off the screen. They will refer their friends and your ROI continues to increase as a result.

Functional Design Saves You Time and Money

Durable, Stylish Pieces Last Longer

Good design isn’t just about aesthetics-it’s about choosing durable, functional pieces that reduce the need for constant repairs or replacements.

Smart Design for Efficiency

Functional layouts and easy-to-maintain materials can help streamline cleaning and turnover, reducing overall maintenance costs. When things are both durable and beautiful, think of the time and money you will save! Not to mention, your guests will be impressed with the quality of the pieces. They will feel that the place was designed just for them and not think of all of the other people that have stayed in that same rental.


With playful design, your Airbnb will attract more guests which will result in more booked nights, increased nightly rates, rave reviews, and saved time and money. Spend your time with your loved ones and save your increased income for your family’s future!

Ready to boost your Airbnb’s ROI? Let’s work together to create a space that stands out and pays off. Book a free discovery call today!

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